Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan FKIP UNS

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Academic Guidance System

Pembimbingan akademik di program studi dilakukan dengan menggunakan panduan tertulis yang diberikan kepada dosen Pembimbing Akademik (PA)/dosen  wali berdasarkan Peraturan Rektor UNS Nomor 582/UN27/HK/2016 tentang Pengelolaan dan Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Program Sarjana, Bab XVII Pasal 26 perihal Pembimbingan Akademik. Jumlah rata-rata mahasiswa yang  dibimbing oleh seorang dosen PA per tahun selama tiga tahun terakhir adalah 20 (dua puluh) mahasiswa/dosen PA. Jumlah rata-rata pertemuan pembimbingan adalah 4 (empat) kali/mahasiswa/semester.

Submit Study Plan

Requirements to submit a study plan/fill out a study plan form:

  • Students fill out the study plan form via SIAKAD online (via a computer connected to the internet).
  • According to the specified time, students take a print out of the KRS (Study Plan Card) in the Academic and Student Affairs Section.
  • KRS printouts are copied in duplicate; next, they come to the academic advisor to ask for the copy to be approved.
  • If the academic supervisor is still not present within the time of KRS approval, the head of the academic supervisor laboratory approves the copy in question.
  • The KRS that has been approved is submitted to the Academic and Student Affairs Section (original), Academic Supervisor (duplicate), students (duplicate); after that, they get proof of acceptance from the Academic and Student Affairs Section.
  • If the student does not submit the approved KRS to the Academic and Student Affairs Section, the student concerned will not be registered as an active student to participate in academic activities in that semester.
  • Students have the opportunity to change the KRS no later than 2 (two) weeks after the lecture starts.
  • They have the opportunity to cancel the KRS no later than the fourth week after the lecture starts.
  • Students must obtain approval from the Academic Advisor to change and cancel the KRS.

Before carrying out learning activities, students must submit a study plan at the beginning of each semester. They fill out a study plan form through the academic portal to submit a study plan within a certain period of time, after the student fulfills all the requirements. In submitting a study plan, students must consult with their academic supervisor for approval. If a student is late in filling out the study plan form from the specified time, then the student will lose academic rights for that semester period.

The Academic Advisor (DPA) has the responsibility to:

  • Provide quality academic counselling.
  • Motivate students to become quality and successful learners.
  • Leading students to make plans, smart in the learning process at UNS, so that they are able to pass according to the specified program and competence.
  • Help students have the competence to internalize the noble values of UNS.
  • Helping students develop a commendable intellectual character.
  • Motivating students to become graduates who always adapt to advances in science and technology.