Universitas Sebelas Maret has a complex of worship facilities for Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Confucians which is also called the area "UNS Pelopor and Benteng Pancasila" because all places of worship are in one complex that is close to each other.
Nurul Huda Mosque
For Muslims there is the great Nurul Huda Mosque which is the center of Muslim religious activities.
God Almighty (Church)
For Christians, both Catholics and Protestants, the UNS Campus provides facilities for church to worship God Almighty.
Bhuana Agung Saraswati
For academics who are Hindus, the UNS campus provides facilities for places of worship in the form of a temple called Bhuana Agung Saraswati.
For academics who are Buddhist, the UNS campus provides facilities for places of worship in the form of a monastery.
Sinar Kebajikan
For students who are Confucian, the UNS campus provides a place of worship in the form of a temple called Sinar Kebajikan (Ming De Miao).