Dr. Winarno, S.Pd., M.Si. – Kepala Program Studi
Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Greetings to all of us.
Welcome to the Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study Program (S1-PPKn), Teacher Training and Education Faculty (FKIP), Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta. We are a study program at the undergraduate level that has the aim of producing educational graduates in the field of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) who are intelligent and have Pancasila character. Namely 1) Bachelors of education who master the theoretical concepts of Civics in depth, and are able to formulate procedural problem solving, 2) Bachelors of education who are able to apply and utilize science and technology in the field of Civics in solving problems and are able to adapt to the situation at hand, and 3) Bachelors of education who His attitude and behavior always reflects the values of Pancasila.
We invite all young Indonesians and even from other countries to join together to build a profile of smart and good citizen education graduates in the field of civics education.
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.
Head of the PPKn FKIP UNS S1 Study Program
Dr. Winarno, S. Pd , M Si