Survey of Graduate User

The results of the user satisfaction survey of graduates of the Pancasila and Civic Education programme through a questionnaire can be seen in the following table:

Level of User Satisfaction of the Graduates of the Pancasila and Civic Education Course

No. Skill Type User Satisfaction Level (%) Follow-up Plan by the Study Program
Very good Good Enough Less
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


Behavioral etiquette 90 10 0 0 Strengthening character education applied in various courses as well as character coaching by Academic Advisors on a regular basis to emphasize the importance of behaving with good ethics.
2 Performance related to core competencies 92 8 0 0 Improving pedagogical and professional skills through lecture materials supported by organizing seminars, workshops, and guest lectures from outside lecturers and experts/practitioners in their fields.
3 Ability to work in a team 90 10 0 0 The study program applies group-oriented assignment methods and team-based projects in the implementation of learning in courses. Encourage students to participate in collaborative projects both inside and outside the classroom and provide opportunities for students to be involved in field practice or internships organized by the Ministry of Education, companies or organizations that encourage teamwork.
4 Communication skills 90 10 0 0 Utilize discussion techniques, presentations, and group work to hone speaking and communication skills. In addition, encourage students to be active in organizational activities to strengthen communication skills and expand social networks.
5 English language skills 82 18 0 0 Students are encouraged to take courses outside the study program, either at UNS or at other institutions or learn by themselves with clear learning sources.
6 Ability to utilize information technology 90 10 0 0 The study program organizes additional training through periodic workshops for students covering the use of software, and tools commonly used in work and daily life. The study program facilitates collaborative projects in and out of class such as learning video projects, website development or simple applications.
7 Self-development activities 91 9 0 0 Encourage students to focus on developing non-academic skills such as communication, leadership, problem solving and interpersonal skills. This self-development can be achieved through participation in workshops, seminars, UKM or organisations on and off campus. The programme integrates self-development elements into elective courses that focus on the development of personal and professional skills.


Survey of graduate users, filled in by clicking on the link

Based on the survey results above, it can be concluded that 90% of the graduates of the Pancasila and Civic Education programme said that the graduates had ‘very good’ behavioural ethics, and 10% said that the graduates had ‘good’ behavioural ethics.

Then, on the performance related to core competencies, 92% of users stated that graduates perform ‘very good’ and 8% stated that graduates perform ‘good’.

Regarding the ability to work in a team and communication skills, 90% of the users stated that graduates have the ability to work in a team and communicate ‘very good’, while 10% stated that graduates have the ability to work in a team and communicate ‘good’.

Regarding English language skills, 82% of users stated that graduates have ‘very good’ English language skills and 18% stated that graduates have ‘good’ English language skills.

On the question of graduates’ ability to use information technology, 90% of users said that graduates had ‘very good’ skills and 10% said that graduates had ‘good’ skills.

In terms of graduates’ personal development, 90% of users also rated this as ‘very good’ and 10% of users said that graduates had ‘good’ personal development.

Thus, the level of user satisfaction of Pancasila and Citizenship Education graduates is high, with 90% of users stating that graduates have ‘very good’ competencies, including the ability to behave ethically, performance, teamwork, communication, English languange skills, use of ICT, and self-development. However, based on the above data, graduates’ English language skills still need to be improved. The improvement of English language skills has been, and will continue to be, achieved by involving students in EAP (English for Academic Purpose), creating modules with the use of English, increasing the amount of literature and course references in English, creating course broadcast material in English.
