Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan FKIP UNS

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The PPKn study program provides facilities and support for HMP to carry out its programs and activities. The support is in the form:

  1. Granting permits for activities and permits for activities
  2. Funding assistance taken from the study program Budget Business Plan
  3. Assistance in activities by supervisors
  4. Assistance as resource persons for activities
  5. Network with other partners such as the Study Program Alumni Association and the PPKn Teacher Deliberation Forum

The S1 PPKn study program organizes various activities covering 3 tri dharma fields, namely: teaching, research and community service. Teaching is carried out in the form of lectures per semester. In accordance with the curriculum structure, there are a number of courses that students must take in a certain semester. This lecture activity is well documented in the UNS SIAKAD system, namely in

In addition to teaching activities, research and community service activities are also carried out. This activity can be held individually by lecturers, groups of lecturers, by study programs and can also be in the form of collaboration involving students and external partners. Documented research and service activities through the IRIS113 system, namely in

Some of the activities of the PPKn undergraduate study program that have been carried out related to the tridharma activities of teaching, research and community service can be seen on the News menu on the web


RG Filsafat dan Politik Kewarganegaraan Prodi PPKn FKIP UNS melakukan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat bersama MGMP PPKn SMP/MTs Kab. Grobogan, Jawa Tengah

Tim Pengabdian Grup Riset Filsafat dan Politik Kewarganegaraan yang diketuai oleh Dr. Machmud Al Rasyid, S.H., M.Si., dengan anggota Dr. Rusnaini, M.Si., Dr. Moh. Muchtarom, S.Ag., M.SI., Erna Yuliandari, S.H., M.A., dan Raharjo, S.Pd., M.Sc. dari Program Studi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan FKIP UNS, melakukan kerja sama dengan MGMP Pendidikan…
by | 11 July 2024

Promosi Program Studi S1 PPKn (Prodi PPKn FKIP UNS mengajak lulusan-lulusan SMA/Sederajat untuk bergabung bersama Program Studi PPKn FKIP UNS)

Prodi PPKn FKIP UNS mengajak lulusan-lulusan SMA/Sederajat untuk bergabung bersama Program Studi PPKn FKIP UNS Kenal Dekat Prodi FKIP UNS PDF SPMB PDF
by | 30 January 2024

Seminar KKL Mahasiswa Tahun 2023

Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, Angkatan 2021 menyelenggarakan kegiatan Seminar Hasil KKL 2023, yang dibuka oleh Kepala Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) Dr. Triana Rejekiningsih, S.H., M.Pd. Kegiatan Seminar Hasil KKL 2023 diselengarakan sebagai bagian dari peningkatan pengetahuan dan kolaborasi dalam dunia akademis. Seminar Hasil Kuliah Kerja Lapangan diselenggarakan…
by | 6 January 2024

SEMINAR NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN KEWARGANEGARAAN 2022 “Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan untuk Penguatan Karakter Bangsa di Era Digital”

⚜️ Timeline :

🕗 Pendaftaran peserta, pemakalah, pembayaran: 18 Mei-29 Juni 2022
🕗 Pengiriman Abstrak (pemakalah): 18 Mei 2022 – 29 Juni 2022
🕗 Pengiriman fullpaper pemakalah: 2-29 Juli 2021

⚜️ Untuk pendaftaran klik link berikut:
⚜️ Informasi lengkap dan template paper di website: atau atau bisa diakses di

⚜️ Biaya :
⏺️ Pemakalah Utama (Author)
▫️Umum, Dosen, Guru: Rp.150.000,-
▫️Mahasiswa: Rp. 50.000,-
⏺️Pemakalah Kedua, Ketiga (Co-Author)
▫️Umum/Dosen: Rp. 75.000,-
▫️Mahasiswa: Rp. 30.000,-
⏩ Pembayaran Melalui Transfer Bank BRI: 033401021184531 a.n Gadis Feronika
