Tracer Study

Tracer studies for the Civics programme have been carried out by contacting, showing and asking graduates to fill in the tracer study link on the website

In addition, graduates filled in the tracer study items. The results are as follows

Tracer study, time spent waiting for a first job

Year of graduation Number of graduates Number of Tracked Graduates Number of graduates tracked by time to first job
 < 3 Months 3 – 6 Months 6 -12 Months  ≥ 12 Months
1 2 3 4 5 6
2019 70 63 52 11 0 0
2020 58 54 44 10 0 0
2021 56 51 39 12 0 0

The table above shows that graduates of the Pancasila & Civic Education study programme have a relatively short waiting period to find their first job. In the academic year 2019, 83% of graduates were able to find a job in less than 6 months, in the academic year 2020, 81% and in the academic year 2021, 76% of graduates were able to find a job in less than 6 months. In the last three years, the average waiting time for a first job was less than 6 months, reaching 80%. However, in 2021/2022 and 2022/2023, the number of graduates who had to wait between 6 and 18 months for their first job decreased. This may be due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, which limits graduates’ access and employment opportunities.

Level of job relevance

Year of graduation Number of graduates  

Number of Tracked Graduates

Number of graduates tracked with job relevance rate
High Medium Low
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
2019 70 63 53 7 3
2020 58 54 45 5 4
2021 56 51 39 7 5

The table above shows that the average level of first job relevance of graduates of the Pancasila & Civic Education study programme for 3 years is 82% of students who have relevant jobs.
