Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan FKIP UNS

Member of


The following is the organizational structure of the Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study Program at Sebelas Maret University at Strata 1 (S1) level along with the duties and responsibilities of each position.

HEAD OF STUDY PROGRAM Responsible for all production activities
Coordinate all study program work units in carrying out their duties
STUDY PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR Assisting the head of study program in administering the performance of the study program
Responsible for the secretariat of the study program
HEAD OF STUDY PROGRAM LABORATORY Facilitating student learning facilities and reading rooms
Developing learning resources and media
HEAD OF STUDY PROGRAM QUALITY ASSURANCE TEAM Responsible for internal quality assurance of prodi
Develop quality standards
HEAD OF STUDY PROGRAM THESIS TEAM Responsible for organizing thesis proposal seminars
Validating thesis proposal
CHAIRMAN OF CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT TEAM Responsible for curriculum renewal and improvement
Prepare curriculum documents
HEAD OF STUDENT CREATIVITY PROGRAM TEAM Responsible for facilitating the development of student creativity
Guiding study program level student activities