HMP Demokratia FKIP UNS as an institution that is hierarchically is a unit with KBM FKIP UNS Surakarta which was formed at the study program level. The existence of the Democratic HMP FKIP UNS is very important as a forum for channeling the aspirations of PPKn students, as well as a forum for the actualization of PPKn education students.
The activities of the HMP Demokratia FKIP UNS must be oriented towards the realization of the Vision and Mission to be able to create dynamics at the level of the Civics education program in accordance with organizational policies. Furthermore, to realize it requires outlines of organizational activities that are formulated as guidelines for achieving organizational goals.
Realizing a HMP Demokratia that is pious, accomplished, has noble character, has broad insight, is capable and has noble ethical values in accordance with Pancasila values.
HMP Demokratia FKIP UNS functions as a vessel and channel for the aspirations of the academic community within the scope of the PPKn FKIP UNS study program.
HMP Demokratia FKIP UNS aims to develop PPKn FKIP UNS students as academic, creative and innovative people who serve based on faith and piety to God Almighty.
Chairman | Dwi Pramono | K6421029 |
Vice Chairman | Barickna Facrhrul Ilham | K6421018 |
General Secretary | Salma Siti Aisyah | K6421064 |
General Treasurer | Dhika Dwi Maharani | K6421026 |